Can You Drive After Laughing Gas?

Laughing gas is the mildest and most common sedative used in sedation dentistry in Dallas. It’s so widely used because it’s very safe and can be administered to patients of all ages. Many sedatives require preparation and aftercare, but nitrous oxide is quite different. Read on in this blog from White Dental Spa to find out how long nitrous oxide stays in your system and if you will be able to drive home after your appointment.

What Is Laughing Gas?

Laughing gas is another name for nitrous oxide, a mild sedative that is inhaled through the nose via a nasal mask. Nitrous oxide gas, along with oxygen, flow through the mask. Within just a few minutes, this causes the patient to feel relaxed, euphoric, and giddy.

Some patients may have fits of laughter, which is why it’s called laughing gas. This is a conscious sedative, so you will remain awake during your appointment, be aware of your surroundings, and can even respond to instructions. Because nitrous oxide is so mild, it is the safest sedative available that is appropriate for the most amount of people.

How to Prepare for Laughing Gas

Another advantage of nitrous oxide is that it requires minimal preparation. All sedatives require a review of your medical history so we know what medications you are taking and if you have any conditions we should know about.

Those with respiratory issues are not great candidates for laughing gas, as you need to be able to breathe through your nose. Once you’ve been approved as a candidate, we only ask that you avoid eating for 2 hours before your appointment. It’s a good idea to eat a light breakfast like toast 2 hours before you are supposed to receive the sedative.

Laughing Gas Aftercare

The great news is that nitrous oxide not only has a quick onset, it also leaves the body within just a couple of minutes of removing the gas mask. Unlike other sedatives, nitrous oxide does not cause lingering hangover effects and you will return to normal immediately.

Because you’re able to drive yourself home, you don’t need to arrange for a ride to or from your appointment. You will also not have any restrictions on the rest of your day, unlike more intense sedatives which can stay in your bloodstream for up to 24 hours.

Find Out If You’re a Candidate for Laughing Gas

The best way to determine if you’re a good candidate for laughing gas is to come in for a consultation. Generally speaking, laughing gas is suitable for most people in good health from childhood to middle age.

However, we do not recommend being sedated if you are pregnant and you will need to inform us of any medical conditions you have and medications that you take. Contact our Dallas dentists at White Dental Spa today to schedule a consultation with Dr. E-Jan Tung or Dr. Quinn Liu.