
It all starts with proper Preventive Care.

Your smile deserves regular attention and care, and the healthiest smiles receive routine cleaning and polishing. To maintain optimal oral health, the American Dental Association recommends regular dental visits at frequencies that are based on your individual oral health and your dental care history. Preventive visits help patients avoid painful and expensive dental and medical emergencies in the future.

When you make regular dental care appointments, you have peace of mind knowing that your oral health will be regularly assessed by the skilled staff at White Dental Spa. Through regular visits, we’ll get to know you and your smile, and any minor issues will be addressed before they become bigger problems down the road.

Your regular appointments at WHITE will feel comfortable and luxurious, and you’ll find that taking care of your dental health is less of a chore and more like visiting a spa. Take control of your oral health and give us a call today to schedule an appointment. We can’t wait to meet you and see you smile!

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A clear path to a straighter, healthier smile.

With this nearly invisible treatment, you can have the straight, beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. If you’ve been dreaming of straighter teeth, there’s no longer any need for chunky, obtrusive braces to hold you back from a confident smile. Invisalign uses clear aligners that allow patients to remain confident and comfortable during their treatment. With this convenient option, you can leave the stress and hassle of metal braces behind.

Once our doctors take impressions of your teeth, your custom-made aligners will be created and your treatment will begin. The clear, plastic, removable aligners make it possible to eat the foods and beverages you love, brush and floss effortlessly, and smile throughout your treatment.

As you wear each set of aligners, your teeth will gently and gradually shift into place, and you’ll end up with the straight, confident smile you’ve always wanted. While the length of treatment varies from patient to patient and depends on the severity of your case, the average Invisalign treatment takes about 12 months for adults. Call us today to schedule a consultation and get on your way to the straight smile that you deserve.

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Have dental anxiety? No worries!

At WHITE, your comfort and safety are our top priorities. We believe that our patients deserve quality care in a comfortable environment, and we offer sedation options for those that may suffer from dental phobia or anxiety. These services make your visit to White Dental Spa stress-free and easy, so you can look back on your treatment with painless memories.

Our sedation options include laughing gas and oral conscious sedation. Oral conscious sedation conveniently comes in pill form and can be taken before your appointment. Under the effects of this sedative, you’ll feel relaxed and euphoric during your visit and procedure. Laughing gas has similar effects, but it wears off soon after treatment, so you’re able to drive yourself home after your procedure.

Whatever option you choose, the staff at White Dental Spa takes your comfort and care seriously, and we do our best to make sure you feel relaxed from the time you enter our office and well after you leave.

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Dental Implants

Missing teeth? We can help you smile again!

Dental implants are a permanent, natural-looking solution to missing teeth. By filling the empty space that is left when a tooth falls out, implants prevent misalignment and stop remaining teeth from shifting, keeping your original smile intact. Since implants are a permanent solution, you won’t need to worry about removing them when you brush, floss, eat, drink or sleep. You deserve to be comfortable during everyday activities, and implants give you the ability to live your life just as you would with your natural teeth.

Implants are durable and long-lasting, so you’ll be able to smile confidently long after your treatment. Dr. Liu is an expert at dental implant procedures, having placed thousands in the last few years alone. When you get an implant from him, you’ll have peace of mind knowing it was skillfully placed. And with proper hygiene and care – it will last for years to come.

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Dental Crowns

Fix broken or damaged teeth with dental crowns.

Discolored, uneven, or chipped teeth can take a toll on your overall health and leave you feeling insecure about your smile. WHITE offers natural looking dental crowns to strengthen and restore your teeth if they’ve become damaged from wear and tear. Crowns can also be placed on a tooth when a large cavity compromises the integrity of the tooth structure beyond the point of a simple filling.

This restorative dental procedure for installing a dental crown normally takes two separate visits. At the first appointment, your doctor will examine your mouth and teeth, and take impressions so that a custom crown can be manufactured at a lab. After your crown is ready, you’ll come back to our office and we’ll place your permanent crown, repairing the damaged tooth. After your treatment, the result will be a radiant smile that can last a lifetime.

Crowns protect and restore teeth and allow patients to feel comfortable and secure with their smile again. If you’re looking to improve the appearance of your teeth, or repair damage, give us a call today.

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Amalgam Filling Removal

Replace your old silver fillings with tooth-colored composite!

Thanks to technological advances, patients today have several options when it comes to the materials that are used to fill cavities. Now that more natural tooth-colored fillings are available (such as resin-based composite), many patients wish to have their metal amalgam fillings removed and replaced. These fillings improve the appearance of your smile and protect your teeth from further damage.

If you would like to remove the metallic look of your amalgam fillings and get them replaced with material that will make your smile look more natural and radiant, or if you would like the amalgam removed for safety reasons, give us a call today to schedule a consultation with our dentists. The procedure is relatively routine and painless, and you’ll leave White Dental Spa with a refreshed and naturally radiant smile.

Removable Appliances

From dentures to mouthguards, we have the appliances that keep you smiling.

As part of our commitment to your overall health and wellbeing, WHITE offers partial dentures and full dentures to correct issues like missing teeth. Other removable appliances include mouthguards, to protect your teeth during contact sports, and nightguards, to help prevent teeth grinding.

If you suffer from TMJ or sleep apnea, nightguards can be life-changing. A custom nightguard can alleviate symptoms of dental issues, such as headaches, teeth grinding, a sore jaw, and tooth pain, providing much needed relief.

Mouthguards provide peace of mind if you participate in contact sports, and help you protect yourself from potential dental emergencies. Our doctors will take impressions of your teeth and build a custom guard for a significantly more secure fit than store bought appliances can provide.

If you’re looking for a solution to missing teeth, we offer full and partial dentures that will help restore your smile. Give us a call to book a consultation and find out which tooth replacement option is best for you.

All these removable appliances are custom made to fit your smile, strengthen your teeth, and restore your confidence. Our dentists will assess your situation and work with you to come up with the best treatment plan for your smile. We’re with you every step of the way, and the end result will be a comfortable, healthy smile that you can be proud of.

Laser Gum Treatment

Fight periodontal disease with laser gum treatment!

Every year, millions of Americans are affected by gum disease. Gums can become inflamed for a number of reasons, and if this goes untreated, the bone that supports and surrounds your teeth can be damaged. Signs of gum disease include swollen and bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, and gums that recede from the teeth. But treatment for this common dental issue doesn’t have to be a pain. WHITE offers laser gum treatment to accurately and precisely target the affected areas, bringing your smile back to health.

This relatively new procedure requires no general anesthetic. Dental lasers target the diseased areas precisely and accurately, and allow your dentist to access and remove the inflamed gum tissue. The procedure is less invasive than regular surgery, making your recovery and healing time much shorter than other treatments for gum disease. If you suffer from periodontal disease, give us a call today to see if this treatment is the right option for you.

Laser gum treatment can also be used to treat a gummy smile. When this technique is combined with veneers, it creates a more balanced and ideal smile. At WHITE, we offer compassionate care and work with patients to get teeth and gums back to health and looking amazing.

Emergency Dental Care

Need to see the dentist right away? Give us a call!

When unexpected dental issues arise, we know it can be stressful and scary. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency (extreme pain, excessive bleeding, or a loose or missing tooth), the doctors at WHITE provide comforting, quality care for quick relief. One of the most important things to do in a dental emergency is to get treatment immediately. Don’t hesitate to call or come in if you are in need of immediate dental care.

We welcome walk-ins and offer same-day care for emergency dental situations because we know how important it is to get treatment as soon as possible. We’ll always make your emergency needs a priority and work efficiently to get you out of pain. We have sedation options and no matter what your emergency may be, our dentists are standing by to give you the care you need.

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Periodontal Care

Keep gum diseases at bay with proper Periodontal Care.

Periodontal disease can be a serious dental issue, but this shouldn’t keep you from taking good care of your oral health. If you suffer from gum disease, WHITE offers a range of treatments that will strengthen and restore your smile. Swollen or bleeding gums and gums that recede or move away from the teeth are signs that you may have periodontal disease. If you notice these symptoms, give us a call to schedule an appointment and go over your options for periodontal care.

Deep cleanings, scaling and root planing, and laser gum treatment can reverse early stages of gum disease, and help prevent pain, bleeding gums, and possible tooth loss in the future. These procedures remove plaque and prevent future infections, so you can get your dental health back on track, and keep your smile strong and healthy. Laser gum treatment is a relatively new procedure, and with this option, no general anesthetic is necessary. Dental lasers target the diseased areas precisely and accurately, and allow your dentist to access and remove the inflamed gum tissue.

If you suffer from periodontal disease, you’re in good hands with the skilled dentists at WHITE, and we will do our best to get your smile back to health.

Root Canals

Have a toothache? We’ll get to the root of the problem.

If you have a decayed or infected tooth, a root canal may save it and repair the damage. Signs that your tooth may be damaged or decayed include extreme sensitivity to hot and cold foods, and pain when pressure is put on your tooth. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, visit our office today to see if root canal therapy is the right option for you.

Though root canals are often thought of as a painful procedure, most patients agree that the pain they experience before treatment is actually much worse. But modern dental techniques have made the procedure similar to filling a cavity. The treatment is relatively comfortable and usually requires no more than one or two visits. If you’re nervous about the experience, we offer several sedation options to keep you relaxed, including laughing gas, dual conscious sedation and IV sedation.

At WHITE, our skilled dentists take every precaution to make sure that your treatment goes as smoothly as possible. If you’re experiencing pain and suspect that your tooth may be infected, call today for a consultation and we will provide efficient, quality care to get you smiling again.


The most painless extractions in town!

Our dentists may suggest an extraction if your wisdom teeth are bothering you, or if your tooth is broken or badly damaged by decay. The procedure is relatively simple, and with local anesthetic, it’s practically painless. Dr. Liu has performed numerous extractions and is an expert at keeping patients comfortable while removing unsaveable teeth.

Symptoms of a decaying or damaged tooth that may need to be extracted include frequent toothaches, swelling in your gums near the sore tooth, or white, gray, brown, or black spots on your teeth. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, give us a call to set up an appointment and go over your options. If an extraction is necessary, we make sure that the procedure is performed with gentle care, so you’re comfortable throughout the whole process.

The extraction is the first step to getting your smile back to health. Once your tooth is removed, we offer other restorative options that will keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy. These restorative options include implants and dentures that will fill the gap and keep your teeth from shifting. If an extraction is the best option for you, WHITE offers compassionate care throughout the whole treatment process.

Preventive Care

It all starts with proper Preventive Care.

Your smile deserves regular attention and care, and the healthiest smiles receive routine cleaning and polishing. To maintain optimal oral health, the American Dental Association recommends regular dental visits at frequencies that are based on your individual oral health and your dental care history. Preventive visits help patients avoid painful and expensive dental and medical emergencies in the future.

When you make regular dental care appointments, you have peace of mind knowing that your oral health will be regularly assessed by the skilled staff at White Dental Spa. Through regular visits, we’ll get to know you and your smile, and any minor issues will be addressed before they become bigger problems down the road.

Your regular appointments at WHITE will feel comfortable and luxurious, and you’ll find that taking care of your dental health is more like visiting a spa than a taking care of a chore. Take control of your oral health and give us a call today to schedule an appointment. We can’t wait to meet you and see you smile!

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A clear path to a straighter, healthier smile.

With this nearly invisible treatment, you can have the straight, beautiful smile you’ve always wanted. If you’ve been dreaming of straighter teeth, there’s no longer any need for chunky, obtrusive braces to hold you back from a confident smile. Invisalign uses clear aligners that allow patients to remain confident and comfortable during their treatment. With this convenient option, you can leave the stress and hassle of a highly visible journey to straight teeth behind.

Once our doctors take impressions of your teeth, your custom-made aligners will be created and your treatment will begin. The clear, plastic, removable aligners make it possible to eat the foods and beverages you love, brush and floss effortlessly, and smile throughout your treatment.
As you wear each set of aligners, your teeth will gently and gradually shift into place, and you’ll end up with the straight, confident smile you’ve always wanted. While the length of treatment varies from patient to patient and depends on the severity of your case, the average Invisalign treatment takes about 12 months for adults. Call us today to schedule a consultation and get on your way to the straight smile that you deserve.

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Have dental anxiety? No worries!

At WHITE, your comfort and safety are our top priorities. We believe that our patients deserve quality care in a comfortable environment, and we offer sedation options for those that may suffer from dental phobia or anxiety. These services make your visit to White Dental Spa stress-free and easy, so you can look back on your treatment with painless memories.

Our sedation options include laughing gas and oral conscious sedation. Oral conscious sedation conveniently comes in pill form and can be taken before your appointment. Under the effects of this sedative, you’ll feel relaxed and euphoric during your visit and procedure. Laughing gas has similar effects, but it wears off soon after treatment, so you’re able to drive yourself home after your procedure.

Whatever option you choose, the staff at White Dental Spa takes your comfort and care seriously, and we do our best to make sure you feel relaxed from the time you enter our office and well after you leave.

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Dental Implants

Missing teeth? We can help you smile again!

Dental implants are a permanent, natural-looking solution to missing teeth. By filling the empty space that is left when a tooth falls out, implants prevent misalignment and stop remaining teeth from shifting, keeping your original smile intact. Since implants are a permanent solution, you won’t need to worry about removing them when you brush, floss, eat, drink or sleep. You deserve to be comfortable during everyday activities, and implants give you the ability to live your life just as you would with your natural teeth.

Implants are durable and long-lasting, so you’ll be able to smile confidently long after your treatment. Dr. Liu is an expert at dental implant procedures, so you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your implant will be skillfully placed – and with proper hygiene and care – it will last for years to come. Our dentists will keep you informed about your procedure and answer any questions that you may have. We’ll also make sure that you know how to properly care for your implant while it heals. If you have a missing tooth and would like to discuss whether implants are the right option for you, call or visit us today.

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Dental Crowns

Fix broken or damaged teeth with dental crowns.

Discolored, uneven, or chipped teeth can take a toll on your overall health and leave you feeling insecure about your smile. WHITE offers natural looking dental crowns to strengthen and restore your teeth if they’ve become damaged from wear and tear. Crowns can also be placed on a tooth when a large cavity compromises the integrity of the tooth structure beyond the point of a simple filling.

The procedure for installing a dental crown normally takes two separate visits. At the first appointment, your doctor will examine your mouth and teeth, and take impressions so that a custom crown can be manufactured at a lab. After your crown is ready, you’ll come back to our office and we’ll place your permanent crown, repairing the damaged tooth. After your treatment, the result will be a radiant smile that can last a lifetime.

Crowns protect and restore teeth and allow patients to feel comfortable and secure with their smile again. If you’re looking to improve the appearance of your teeth, or repair damage, give us a call today.

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Amalgam Filling Removal

Replace your old silver fillings with tooth-colored composite!

Thanks to technological advances, patients today have several options when it comes to the materials that are used to fill cavities. Now that more natural tooth-colored fillings are available (such as resin-based composite), many patients wish to have their metal amalgam fillings removed and replaced. These fillings improve the appearance of your smile and protect your teeth from further damage.

If you would like to remove the metallic look of your amalgam fillings and get them replaced with material that will make your smile look more natural and radiant, or if you would like the amalgam removed for safety reasons, give us a call today to schedule a consultation with our dentists. The procedure is relatively routine and painless, and you’ll leave White Dental Spa with a refreshed and naturally radiant smile.

Removable Appliances

From dentures to mouthguards, we have the appliances that keep you smiling.

As part of our commitment to your overall health and wellbeing, WHITE offers partial dentures and full dentures to correct issues like missing teeth. Other removable appliances include mouthguards, to protect your teeth during contact sports, and nightguards, to help prevent teeth grinding.

If you suffer from TMJ or sleep apnea, nightguards can be life-changing. A custom nightguard can alleviate symptoms of dental issues, such as headaches, teeth grinding, a sore jaw, and tooth pain, providing much needed relief.

Mouthguards provide peace of mind if you participate in contact sports, and help you protect yourself from potential dental emergencies. Our doctors will take impressions of your teeth and build a custom guard for a significantly more secure fit than store bought appliances can provide.

If you’re looking for a solution to missing teeth, we offer full and partial dentures that will help restore your smile. Give us a call to book a consultation and find out which tooth replacement option is best for you.

All these removable appliances are custom made to fit your smile, strengthen your teeth, and restore your confidence. Our dentists will assess your situation and work with you to come up with the best treatment plan for your smile. We’re with you every step of the way, and the end result will be a comfortable, healthy smile that you can be proud of.

Laser Gum Treatment

Fight periodontal disease with laser gum treatment!

Every year, millions of Americans are affected by gum disease. Gums can become inflamed for a number of reasons, and if this goes untreated, the bone that supports and surrounds your teeth can be damaged. Signs of gum disease include swollen and bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, and gums that recede from the teeth. But treatment for this common dental issue doesn’t have to be a pain. WHITE offers laser gum treatment to accurately and precisely target the affected areas, bringing your smile back to health.

Laser gum treatment is a relatively new procedure, and with this option, no general anesthetic is necessary. Dental lasers target the diseased areas precisely and accurately, and allow your dentist to access and remove the inflamed gum tissue. The procedure is less invasive than regular surgery, making your recovery and healing time much shorter than other treatments for gum disease. If you suffer from periodontal disease, give us a call today to see if this treatment is the right option for you. At WHITE, we offer compassionate care and we will work with you to get your teeth and gums back to good health.

Emergency Dental Care

Need to see the dentist right away? Give us a call!

When unexpected dental issues arise, we know it can be stressful and scary. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency (extreme pain, excessive bleeding, or a loose or missing tooth), the doctors at WHITE provide comforting, quality care for quick relief. One of the most important things to do in a dental emergency is to get treatment immediately. Don’t hesitate to call or come in if you are in need of immediate dental care.

We welcome walk-ins and offer same-day care for emergency dental situations because we know how important it is to get treatment as soon as possible. We’ll always make your emergency needs a priority and work efficiently to get you out of pain. We have sedation options and no matter what your emergency may be, our dentists are standing by to give you the care you need.

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Periodontal Care

Keep gum diseases at bay with proper Periodontal Care.

Periodontal disease can be a serious dental issue, but this shouldn’t keep you from taking good care of your oral health. If you suffer from gum disease, WHITE offers a range of treatments that will strengthen and restore your smile. Swollen or bleeding gums and gums that recede or move away from the teeth are signs that you may have periodontal disease. If you notice these symptoms, give us a call to schedule an appointment and go over your options for periodontal care.

Deep cleanings, scaling and root planing, and laser gum treatment can reverse early stages of gum disease, and help prevent pain, bleeding gums, and possible tooth loss in the future. These procedures remove plaque and prevent future infections, so you can get your dental health back on track, and keep your smile strong and healthy. Laser gum treatment is a relatively new procedure, and with this option, no general anesthetic is necessary. Dental lasers target the diseased areas precisely and accurately, and allow your dentist to access and remove the inflamed gum tissue.

If you suffer from periodontal disease, you’re in good hands with the skilled dentists at WHITE, and we will do our best to get your smile back to health.

Root Canals

Have a toothache? We’ll get to the root of the problem.

If you have a decayed or infected tooth, a root canal may save it and repair the damage. Signs that your tooth may be damaged or decayed include extreme sensitivity to hot and cold foods, and pain when pressure is put on your tooth. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, visit our office today to see if a root canal is the right option for you.

Though root canals are often thought of as a painful procedure, most patients say that the pain of the damaged or decayed tooth before treatment is actually much more difficult to deal with. Modern dental techniques have made the procedure similar to filling a cavity. The treatment is relatively comfortable and a root canal often requires no more than one or two visits.

At WHITE, our skilled dentists take every precaution to make sure that your treatment goes as smoothly as possible. If you’re experiencing pain and suspect that your tooth may be infected, call today for a consultation and we will provide efficient, quality care to get you smiling again.


The most painless extractions in town!

Our dentists may suggest an extraction if your wisdom teeth are bothering you, or if your tooth is broken or badly damaged by decay. The procedure is relatively simple, and with local anesthetic, it’s practically painless.

Symptoms of a decaying or damaged tooth that may need to be extracted include frequent toothaches, swelling in your gums near the sore tooth, or white, gray, brown, or black spots on your teeth. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, give us a call to set up an appointment and go over your options. If an extraction is necessary, we make sure that the procedure is performed with gentle care, so you’re comfortable throughout the whole process.

The extraction is the first step to getting your smile back to health. Once your tooth is removed, we offer other restorative options that will keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy. These restorative options include implants and dentures that will fill the gap and keep your teeth from shifting. If an extraction is the best option for you, WHITE offers compassionate care throughout the whole treatment process.

Frequently asked questions

    Get in touch

    Let us pamper your teeth and change the way you feel about dentists forever. Our focus is on you...and the smile you’ve always wanted.

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    Call for an Appointment

    (214) 484-1064

    Hours of operation

    Monday (9:00am - 6:00pm)
    Tuesday - Thursday (10:00am - 7:00pm)
    Friday (9:00am - 6:00pm)
    Saturday (9:00am - 5:00pm) By Appointment
    Sunday Closed


    (214) 484-1064