Do You Have To Brush Veneers?

If you are looking for a way to enhance your smile, then veneers are an excellent choice. They are a common cosmetic dentistry procedure that can address a lot of different issues:

  • Severe staining and discoloration
  • Gaps
  • Your teeth are of various sizes
  • Small cracks and chips, etc.

If you’re thinking about upgrading your smile with veneers, you likely have lots of questions about their maintenance. One of the questions we get asked a lot about veneers is whether they need to be brushed.

And the short answer is yes. But keep reading to find out exactly why!

How Veneers Work

Veneers are made from a thin layer of porcelain that gets glued to the front surface of the natural tooth. The dentist will need to trim a bit of the tooth’s enamel to get a rougher texture. This helps the veneers perfectly bond to the tooth and remain in place.

As a result, veneers can change the look of your smile almost instantly, and even help strengthen the tooth. However, even with veneers on, you will still need to have good oral hygiene habits.

Why You Need to Brush Your Teeth Even After Getting Veneers

While the veneers themselves don’t need to be brushed, your natural teeth certainly do. The porcelain in the veneers is not at risk of damage caused by the bacteria and food particles that remain in the mouth after eating.

However, since veneers only cover the front surface of your teeth, you can still get cavities if you don’t brush and floss your teeth daily.

Moreover, veneers do not protect you from plaque and tartar build-up, which means that you can still develop gum disease without great oral care.

What Happens to Veneers If You Get a Cavity or Gum Disease?

If you get a cavity, develop gum disease or any other dental health issues, and have veneers on, there are two possible scenarios:

  • Fixing the issue without affecting the veneers – Based on the location of the damage, the dentist may be able to treat your oral health without removing or damaging the veneers;
  • Changing your veneers – If the veneers are getting in the way of your treatment, the dentist will remove the porcelain in order to restore your oral health. After that, you can get a brand new pair, and enjoy your smile

Interested in Veneers? We Can Help

Veneers are just one of the many cosmetic dentistry procedures you can access at our practice. Dr. E-Jan Tung and Dr. Quinn Liu are here to help you restore your dental health, and get the smile you’ve always wanted.

To get started, book an appointment with White Dental Spa and stop by our practice to discover if veneers are the right solution for your specific case.

For more questions, feel free to call us at (214) 484-1064 for a short chat.